UCI statement on Jaime Roson Garcia

The Union Cycliste Internationale (UCI) announces that the UCI Anti-Doping Tribunal has rendered its decision in the case involving Jaime Roson Garcia.

The Anti-Doping Tribunal found the rider guilty of an anti-doping rule violation (Use of a prohibited substance) based on abnormalities detected in his Biological Passport (*) and imposed a 4-year period of ineligibility on the rider.

In accordance with the Procedural Rules of the Anti-Doping Tribunal, the decision will be published on the UCI website in due course.

(*) An Athlete Biological Passport (ABP) is an individual, electronic record for each rider, in which the results of all doping tests collected in the framework of this programme over a period of time are collated. The management of the ABP programme is carried out by the Cycling Anti-Doping Foundation, the independent body mandated by the UCI to carry out the anti-doping testing programme in cycling.